Zhengti Therapy Training (Advanced Level) with Teacher Ning – start: October 2024

Zhengti Therapy Training (Advanced Level) with Teacher Ning – start: October 2024

Zhengti Therapy Training (Advanced Level) with Teacher Ning – start: October 2024

The Zhigong Institute has organized Teacher trainings and special programs in the field of Zhineng Qigong for more than 20 years. In recent years we have been working with Teacher Ning to offer the knowledge of Zhengti Therapy (Medical Qigong) to our worldwide community, resulting in a second year training Zhengti Therapy. We are very happy to share this information with you!

Datum: 13/10/2024 t/m 25/05/2025

Tijd: 9 - 11 a.m. CEST Amsterdam time

Kosten: 799,- Euro

Locatie: Zoom (online)

Doelgroep: Students who finished the first year training Zhengti Therapy

Docent: Teacher Ning and the team of the Zhigong Institute

Lesmateriaal: Playlist on youtube with the recordings of the webinars

Praktische informatie:

What does the program look like?
There are 8 online meetings with Teacher Ning spread over a period of 8 months. Each meeting is 2 hours.
There are 4 hours online training with the team of the Zhigong Institute.
You complete the assignments, workshop at your own level of practice, progress and mindset.

Dates for the online lectures with Teacher Ning:
1, October 13, 2024
2. November 10, 2024
3. December 15, 2024
4. January 19, 2025
5. February 16, 2025
6. March 30, 2025
7. May 4, 2025
8. May 25, 2025

The dates for the online meetings with the team of the Zhigong Institute will be announced during the year.

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"Zhengti Therapy Training (Advanced Level) with Teacher Ning – start: October 2024"

799,00 incl. BTWIn winkelmand

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Meer info:

The Zhigong Institute has organized Teacher trainings and special programs in the field of Zhineng Qigong for more than 20 years. In recent years we have been working with Teacher Ning to offer the knowledge of Zhengti Therapy (Medical Qigong) to our worldwide community, resulting in a second year training Zhengti Therapy. We are very happy to share this information with you!

The program aims to:

  • Break the dualistic world view, return to the monistic world view where you feel deeply connected with the universe and all living beings.
  • Deepen the understanding and application of the Zhengti (holistic view of life): The inner nature is the first master of life, the programmed nature dominates human’s life. Therefore it’s necessary to transform the programmed nature to change one’s destiny and health situation. Thoughts can only be understood. They don’t disappear. Once we understand our mind we will reach inner peace which reduces our Qi consumption. We also need to focus on the even distribution of Qi and blood to prevent illnesses and stay healthy.
  • Comprehensively deepen the practice of “spiral force” to break the sense of boundary between the human body and the outside. Learn how to use automatic spiral force to open the blocked parts in our body to fully master the know-how of “external qi treatment”.
  • Learn the “seven doors” practice to enhance the strength of inner Qi.
  • Strengthen the exercises of “six Fu organs”, especially the exercise of the triple warmer organ to strengthen the entirety of the body.
  • Develop a deep understanding of the key to the rise and descend body Qi. To achieve this understanding we will work with the element earth (spleen/pancreas/stomach).
  • Practicing Qigong is extremely flexible and requires balance with the great Qi. The Zhengti practitioner will learn that in the spring and summer seasons one has to focus on strengthening the lungs, stomach and kidneys. In the autumn and winter seasons one has to focus on strengthening the liver, spleen and heart.
  • As women have a different physiological condition we will integrate women’s Qigong in this year training. It will be very beneficial to enhance the Qi and blood flow.


What can you expect:

  • 8 online meetings of 2 hours = 16 hours Online trainings in 8 months via Zoom – theories, methods, skills and possibilities of Zhengti Therapy given by Teacher Ning
  • 4 hours online meeting with the team of the Zhigong Institute
  • Supervision of the invervision group
  • Exchange and practice sessions with other students (buddy pairs and intervision)
  • Homework


 For the certification you need to: 

  • follow the online lectures (either live or using the review)
  • complete all theory and practical assignments
  • work on your own level of practice, progress, and mindset
  • share your experiences with the group
  • pass the exam (written test and practical (online) exam)


There are two ways of participation:

Option 1: You follow all lectures and receive a certificate of completion.
Option 2: You follow all lectures, accomplish the homework, participate in intervision groups and receive the certificate ‘Zhengti Therapy Advanced.’


The teachers:  

Teacher Ning studied and practiced Qigong Therapy for many years in the famous Huaxia Zhineng Qigong center founded by Dr. Pang Ming. After this Teacher Ning continued his journey on the path of traditional medical Qigong and gained profound knowledge and experience in the field of this powerful and unique self-health care system. The result has been a special integration of the knowledge of traditional medical Qigong and Zhineng Qigong. We call this new therapy ‘Zhengti Therapy.’ Zhengti means that human beings are one with the Universe.

Anne Hering and Nynke Roukema will be happy to guide you through this program, teach online sessions, supervise the intervision groups and support and guide you in your practice.

Ancient China quote

If the heart is peaceful and quiet it is in order to be able to receive all the information coming from the exterior like the mirror of the calm water.

Ancient China