Zhengti Therapy Training (Basic Level) with Teacher Ning – start: September 2024
In this program you learn the fundamentals of Zhengti Therapy. Medical Qigong is recognized as one of the most advanced systems of holistic health and wellbeing. For many years the treatments of Medical Qigong were hidden secrets in China. In recent years more and more people have discovered the amazing effects of this unique therapy; that is why we know it is the right time to offer this special program to you.
Tijd: 9 - 11 CEST Amsterdam time
Kosten: 1499,- Euro
Locatie: The online lectures will be given on ZOOM and the 4 live days will be in Epe (The Netherlands)
Doelgroep: All practitioners who want to learn how to use Zhengti Therapy to activate their own health or to support others in their healing proces.
Docent: Teacher Ning and the team of the Zhigong Institute
Lesmateriaal: manual, recordings of the webinars, audio files
Praktische informatie:
What does the program look like?
• There are 13 online meetings with Teacher Ning spread over a period of one year. Each meeting is 2 hours.
• There are 6 online meetings spread over a period of one year with the team of the Zhigong Institute. Each meeting is 1 hour.
• There are 4 ‘live-days’. During these days you apply what you have learned so far under the guidance of Teachers of the Zhigong Institute. During these days you will have online lectures given by Teacher Ning.
• You complete the assignments, working at your own level of practice, progress and mindset
Dates for the Online lectures with Teacher Ning and the 4-day workshop in Epe:
September 29
October 27
November 24
December 8
January 12
January 20 - 23 (live and online)
February 9
March 16
April 13
May 11
The dates for the online meetings with the team of the Zhigong Institute will be announced during the year.
If you are not able to travel to Epe you can follow the 4 days via an online live stream (zoom).
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"Zhengti Therapy Training (Basic Level) with Teacher Ning – start: September 2024"
€1.499,00 incl. BTWIn winkelmand
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Meer info:
The Zhigong Institute has organized Teacher trainings and special programs in the field of Zhineng Qigong for more than 20 years. In recent years we have been working with Teacher Ning to offer the knowledge of Medical Qigong to our worldwide community, resulting in a completely NEW training. We are very happy to share this information with you!
Listen here to the experiences of the participants of the Medical Qigong Training 2022!
What is the content of this Medical Qigong Therapy Training?
- Power of the Qifield and the intention – use of consciousness
- Training – methods (skills) to work on your own health, progress, and mindset
- Training – methods (skills) to learn how to activate the self-healing capacity of others
- The practical use of the basic principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Zhengti Therapy
- Five elements and the associations
- The relationships of the organs and their healthy qi-flow
- How to collect qi and open up blockages
- Tapping along meridian channels
- Using acupuncture points to activate the Qiflow
- Transforming the conditioned nature
- Setting up a powerful Zhengti Therapy session with your clients
- Communication – use of information
- Process (opening, therapy, closing, and aftercare)
- Mindset and attitude
- Observing your client and their qi-flow
- Remote Zhengti Therapy
- Prevention of illnesses
- Information about mental, emotional, and physical health
- The requirements for transforming Qi
- How to differentiate Qi blockages with Zhengti Therapy
- And much more…
You wish to increase the consciousness for Qi, Zhengti Therapy and share this knowledge with others
What can you expect:
- 13 online meetings of 2 hours = 26 hours Online Trainings in 1 year via Zoom – theories, methods, skills and possibilities of Zhengti Therapy given by Teacher Ning
- 6 online meetings of 1 hour = 6 hours with the team of the Zhigong Institute
- supervision of the intervision group
- 4 live days with the experienced team of the Zhigong Institute, including online lectures with Teacher Ning
- Exchange and practice sessions with other students (buddy pairs and intervision)
- Homework
You desire a profound understanding of the possibilities of Zhengti Therapy in the field of preventing illnesses and promoting Qi flow.
Detailed requirements for the certification…you need to:
- follow the online lectures (either live or using the review)
- complete all theory and practical assignments
- work on your own level of practice, progress, and mindset
- share your experiences with the group
- demonstrate your abilities and skills during the live days
- pass the exam (written test and practical exam)
There are two ways of participation:
- Option 1: You follow all lectures and receive a certificate of completion.
- Option 2: You follow all lectures, accomplish the homework, participate in intervision groups and receive the certificate ‘Zhengti Therapy Practitioner.’
The teachers:
Teacher Ning studied and practiced Qigong Therapy for many years in the famous Huaxia Zhineng Qigong center founded by Dr. Pang Ming. After this Teacher Ning continued his journey on the path of traditional medical Qigong and gained profound knowledge and experience in the field of this powerful and unique self-health care system. The result has been a special integration of the knowledge of traditional medical Qigong and Zhineng Qigong. We call this new therapy ‘Zhengti Therapy.’ Zhengti means that human beings are one with the Universe.
Anne Hering and Nynke Roukema will be happy to guide you through this program, teach online sessions, supervise the intervision groups and lead you through the 4-day workshop in Epe.
Tanja van Beek: ‘Medical Qigong Therapy Training with Teacher Ning is the most superb training I have ever followed. Teacher Ning has a unique way of teaching in which the complexity of the underlying knowledge becomes unveiled and accessible. ‘The power of simplicity’ certainly applies to this form of therapy, because almost every exercise and treatment method has a surprisingly profound effect in all its simplicity. I am so grateful for Anne and the Zhigong Institute team’s collaboration with Teacher Ning that gave me access to this special Medical Qigong Therapy training. This training brought growth and renewal on both a personal and professional level, what a gift!’
Henk van Straaten: ‘Last year I did the medical qigong training, called Zhengti Therapy, taught by teacher Ning. It is an absolute enrichment of all my experiences with Zhineng Qigong. The combination of the views of Zhineng Qigong, Traditional Chinese Medicine and traditional medical qigong enabled me to develop a healing practice for myself on the level of my physical body, my Qi and my emotional-thinking mind. It also learned me instruments to share these healing activities with other persons. And it deepened my awareness of the beauty of the creation where we are allowed to live in. I feel very grateful for this experience.’
Floor Nelissen: ‘Het afgelopen jaar is er een nieuwe wereld voor mij open gegaan: de wereld van de medische qigong therapie. Wat een krachtige oefeningen heb ik in deze opleiding geleerd om goed voor mijzelf te zorgen En daarbij heb ik ook nog geleerd hoe dit aan anderen door te geven. Zowel in de groepslessen en de individuele sessies die ik zelf geef is de medische qigong goed bruikbaar om mensen te ondersteunen in de ervaring van vitaliteit of in herstel van een ziekte. Teacher Ning, bracht de oude geheime van de Chinese Qigong masters, op een manier naar ons toe die trouw is aan de oorsprong van de TCM en toch was het toegankelijk voor mij als westerling. Dankzij de liefdevolle begeleiding en aanvullingen op de lessen van Anne Hering en Nynke Roukema werden de oefeningen voor mij concreet en toepasbaar. Dank jullie wel voor de geweldige begeleiding. Het voelt als het begin van een nieuwe reis vol mogelijkheden en avonturen.’
If the heart is peaceful and quiet it is in order to be able to receive all the information coming from the exterior like the mirror of the calm water.
Eerstvolgende workshops
16/02/2025 | Masterclass met Master Yuantong Liu en Anne Hering
11/04/2025 | Date voor Zhineng Qigong leraren
11/05/2025 | Zhigong Experience – Oceano in Tenerife (Spanje)
21/06/2025 | Zhigong Experience – Ruihong Hotspring Hotel Qingcheng Mountain (China)
31/08/2025 | Zhigong Experience – Finca el Morisco (Spanje)
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